Facing Problems

Truly among us can't escape from any troublesome. The extent of troublesome of one another has been measured by Allah in some ways accordance with their capability. Because He knows all things of us that we know not.
We frequently feel heavy and difficult on troublesome we face, and even we feel suffering most than somebody else did. In fact if we try to look at nicely on our brother suffering in another world, our heart may get emphatic on what our brothers suffered, then we say in heart we have a little suffering compared with others.
It is surprising that we have different extent of tolerance on same troublesome with the different people. Some people will be burried with their problem, some feel difficult most, yet some feel just relax and make it not a big deal. The point is simply not in problem its self, rather than our attitude facing the troublesome.

It is supposed that any troublesome should be considered as a tool to enhance our position before Allah, to increase our knowledge and insight, so we may be steady, stronger, mature, being genuine human being and uperior and close with Allah.

The Supreme is to Allah knows all things on us that we know not, He knows more than we do about us. He is the only Knower about us, design things perfectly and precisely. He is Allah the Knower over all things on us, our sickness, sadness, and intellectuality, stronger, all things Allah knows and Allah measures everything.

It is impossible for Allah to fall upon anything on us out of our capability impose upon us. Because He is Allah The Most Justice Master and wrong doer to His creatures, subhanallah (Glorify is to Allah). What we have to do is how to optimize our self to pursue the help of AUah. Remember if the mankind andjinn were together to help us. It won't work unless Allah helps us; no help will be coming except from Allah.

Inversely if Jinn and mankind were together to dammit us, we won't find even a hair of human being fall down into the ground without a wish of Allah. Allah has given
the fonnula to face any troublesome, the pdint is simple that whether we have a willingness to pursue the help of Allah or not.

Allah is on accordance with the prejudice of His creatures, the more we confidence of the help from Allah, the more Allah will give a help for us, insya Allah.

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  1. kotak ini baru dibuat dan sedang ane coba apa bisa matching ga. dan satu hal ini hanya uji kreativitas saja, barangkali ada yang mau kasih ide lagi...:)]

  2. wuih..facing-facingan, tapi jangan di deface ya....

  3. ko emotion dan avatarnya pada g muncul ya... :((

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